Khadijah Samsul

Manager, Board Services & Digital Transformation

Khadijah Shamsul graduated with a Masters in Business Administration from Asia School of Business (in collaboration with MIT Sloan School of Management). Her interest areas are Human Capital Development, Diversity & Inclusion, Process Automation & Data Analytics – as she continues to immerse herself in the space of Education & Training. Always looking forward to a good challenge at work, Khadijah is a firm believer about making her work purposeful and impactful; where she also dabbles in different functions at work, ranging from Digital Marketing, Process Automation and Program Management. 
Her role in LeadWomen is to spearhead Board Services for Director Members; ranging from providing engagement activities and trainings for the members as well as look into the placement of women directors in Malaysian companies’ boards – in line with Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG) 2021 that require for board to have at least 30% women director representation. In addition to that, Khadijah is also leading the digital transformation and process automation for LeadWomen, ensuring a more efficient and productive work process for the team.
Fun fact: Khadijah has travelled to more than 22 countries and enjoys good documentaries on Netflix!